Friday, February 6, 2009

Final Decision - Cameron Highlands

Finally we had decided to choose Cameron Highlands as our honeymoon destination..Hooray. He is the organizer for this trip and me volunteer as a driver. We browsing websites to get more information as possible and as for myself scanning for more maps and the decide which route to be taken to Cameron Highlands.

My babe are concerning in booking hotel and lucky that days is not categorised as a peak season and easily he had booked the ticket and the hotel is not so costly. Now come to me either take the Simpang Pulai or Tapah path to the destination.

After my babe advise, we decided to take the Tapah path because we can had our breakfast at there because according to him the food at Tapah is quite sucelent and delicious. Our journey must be very long and I needed to take rest but somehow today I'm too happy and can't wait for the tomorrow trip and ended up not sleeping well for the entire night...Anyway I will be away for honeymoon.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Planning For Vacation

For this coming Thaipusam Festival me and my hubby had decided to have a honeymoon vacation for a short trip around Malaysia. We are yet to decide, which place we decided to pick. But after a few discussion we do has few places in our mind. There are three choices in total for the places we decided to pick, Cameron Highlands, Genting Highlands and Port Dickson to choose.

We do assume a lot of speculation and mainly due to the budget because my paycheck is overload for this month after spend like no tomorrow previously. Both of us, me and my honey are surfed net to get the best destination that we can get for this replacement honeymoon after a lot of hanky panky stuff had happen during our third anniversaries.

But, the most important things is I'm just too craving for him by my side, which is the most pathetic stuff that happen in our life. Being in the closet and hiding our self among family and friends indeed giving us hell a lot of problem. The problem is getting worse if we are staying with our parent in the first place and there are too many negative impact to the gay life.

In reality life is just too cruel and dramatic especially, when you decided to live your life differently than the norm. Discrimination and bias is definitely will occur in the first place and worse stilt there all despite you with the look that can killed and treated you like an aliens.Let me give you a good example during the times I brought a watch at a store for my babe.

At first the sales person asked me is it I brought it for my friend and I said yes with my babe accompany me. Few days later we finally decided to brought the watch and when my babe are trying the watch that we choose, the said person asked me a foolish question until I almost wanted to scold her fuck off. The question sound like this " I thought you brought the watch for your friend?" Later I told her my babe is the friend I mentioned and just because she ask too much and she almost kena bombak from me.

So in order to prevent unpleasant situation it's better to have a good planning. Furthermore, in Malaysia is a country which not a gay friendly country. Many people due to this matter had shifted from this circle because being a PLU life is difficult and there is so many obstacles to do. Okay it's enough of the not related topic and probably we will choose Cameron Highlands for our destination.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Disastrous CNY ( Part 3 - End)

Well folks I think enough of my sad story.

Here are some candid I had took during the trip.

I hope you guys are enjoy with the do enjoy pictures.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Disastrous CNY ( Part 2 )

This CNY period of times my phone are keep ringing, which make me more depress to back KL. This place is so darn boring and I almost die due to this boredom in this so called "Island of Pearl". This place is totally chaotic because it's flooded with people everywhere and every times.

The best parts is I had a so called "goddess aunt" nagging and preaching me like hell. I thought she really thought she is a "GuanYin Ma" or Buddha. Beside island hoping and eating there are nothing much to do, if you tell me I rather choose KL than Penang.

When to Penang I just like god of prosperity "Choy Shen Yeh" giving my hard earn fortune to my aunt and cousin as well because of their hospitality and all the entertainment are sponsor by me and my poor little brother.

Imagine eventhought I'm fat but it doesn't mean that I'm a fighter when come to eat or feast. They keep eating non stop until I wanted to give them award and I'm started to thinking are they ghost or demon who reject from hell, which wanted to fill up their glutton will.

This is just a very tiring journey as my mind are so empty like a zombie because this is not the place I wanted to visit in the first place. Yes I do visited a lot of places but I'm not happy at all and worse still this place make me sad and shed tears during CNY. The driving session is really killing me.

Somehow I rather being in my hubby side and misses his hugs, smell, sound and everything from him. Anyway I have to put a dot to my sad story and planned a head as well. I'm just felt sorry for my friend who had called me several times for a visit during CNY but I had failed them.

(To Be Continue)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Disastrous CNY ( Part 1 )

I hate 2009 CNY because my mood being spoil by my parent's. Those guys had con me to visit Penang for two days but ended up four days at outstation. Most of you guys must be wondering why I have to be so frustrated and complaining. Furthermore, there are my love one and I should be grateful can spend my times with them.

Indeed I'm very grateful for spending my times with my parents but CNY really meant a lot to me because it's not only Chinese celebration but it's also my third anniversaries with my babe after we are being tied for three years. That why I had stated very clear I only have two days to accompany them to their siblings house but ended up extra two days.

This period I also being thinking to complete one of my new year resolution, which is lay my hands on the passport I been talking for donkey years. We also have an argument regarding this matter and worse stilt my babe still throwing his tantrum towards me. I really don't wanted to dispute so much for this CNY incident.

In Penang, I'm pretty sad and cried for few times mostly is due to miss him so much because I never leave him more than two days consequently in a week. I'm also crying during in sleep, which is told by my parent, who keep asking me what happen. This is the most disastrous CNY I had in my whole life....Sigh ( To Be Continue )