Monday, February 2, 2009

Disastrous CNY ( Part 1 )

I hate 2009 CNY because my mood being spoil by my parent's. Those guys had con me to visit Penang for two days but ended up four days at outstation. Most of you guys must be wondering why I have to be so frustrated and complaining. Furthermore, there are my love one and I should be grateful can spend my times with them.

Indeed I'm very grateful for spending my times with my parents but CNY really meant a lot to me because it's not only Chinese celebration but it's also my third anniversaries with my babe after we are being tied for three years. That why I had stated very clear I only have two days to accompany them to their siblings house but ended up extra two days.

This period I also being thinking to complete one of my new year resolution, which is lay my hands on the passport I been talking for donkey years. We also have an argument regarding this matter and worse stilt my babe still throwing his tantrum towards me. I really don't wanted to dispute so much for this CNY incident.

In Penang, I'm pretty sad and cried for few times mostly is due to miss him so much because I never leave him more than two days consequently in a week. I'm also crying during in sleep, which is told by my parent, who keep asking me what happen. This is the most disastrous CNY I had in my whole life....Sigh ( To Be Continue )

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