Monday, January 12, 2009

Need A break

I really need a break to entertain my mind and feeling lately.
I felt tired with myself and my attitude which had cause me so many problem.
Argument seem like my best buddy always accompany me.
Anger is in my veins and too many dissatisfaction in my life.
Relationship seem like fluctuate and no improvement.
Real life is cruel and hard to achieve the best of the best.

Anyway I Need A Break And Retreat.

Will Be Back After CNY.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bad Boy

Tremendously I feeling moody and I'm just a predator that could kills any moment or just let go my stress and tantrum like a volcano's eruption. This is an incident that I felt sorry for the girl that I had treat her badly and when I reckon back I'm far too over to treat her so cruel.

This incident, happen when one of my babe manage to get his friend to fetch us for lunch with the bitch along (The victim). Actually they all also my colleagues and we knew each other pretty well.

The incident started after we finish our lunch and proceed to the fruit stall to make purchase. Later my babe started a joke with the bitch because she is using umbrella in the restaurants, which is funny.

Later we join the cool jokes as well and the bitch is getting pissed and started to scold me after I ask her whether she is using umbrella at the beaches or not. Then she started to scold and nagging like an alien and my migraine started and Boom.

I started to scold her and curse her as well because she told everyone I LOVE HER and chase after her as well. Sorry to said I being very nasty and it's too late for my babe and other colleagues to stop me because I just burnout without signal.

The bitch are cried and everyone is blaming me and scare of me as well. Then the bitch shout at me and telling me that I had an attitude problem and guess what like I care. She really taught I'm his boy friend or what I really don't give it a damn.

She even instruct me to take back my words and apologize to her. For sure I'm apologize to her with unsatisfied manner and I even replied that the words I had spoken couldn't taken back because the words are already out of my mouth and impossible to take back...LoL.

I hated the bitch so much ever since this incident, always scold me for nothing. Even I talkative she also comments, she really thought I'm his Mr. Right but sorry to tell you that you are not my type and cup of coffee.. Please get lost bitch and balik la.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lame and Bored

For many months I been incredible unmotivated and lazy being in work places or home as well. I been super unproductive and I'm not trying to abuse myself or take my life for granted but this is life and indeed is a transition period for me. Beside sight seeing and hang around in the malls there is nothing much I can do in my life.

Hence, it' sales everywhere and guess what? I been doubtful regarding the recession is really happening in Malaysia. In the matter of facts, every malls and shopping center are flooded with human beings. Somehow I prefer going out rather than stay at home facing the block and I'm a person cannot stay still.
I already feel pathetic with my life because there is no changes and yet feeling very demotivated with myself. Even the two books that I had brought from MPH I'm yet to read.. Haha just too lazy to read. This year I buy too many crappy stuff and sometimes being thinking I need to back on track and wake up.

Ever since I like to consume and it's times for me to save for my rainier days because my account balance is just too pathetic..Lol. I'm just a lousy man because my expenses is more than my income and I really need to tighten up my belt. Hey, have everyone have they suggestion to get more income, I hope god can grant me a grand prize lottery tickets..Haha. Anyway stay tuned and be strong.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sharing And Mutual Trust

Very Inspire Article To Improve Trust.

The keyword of the day in this blog is "Mutual" which related to reciprocally acting of receiving, giving and interchanged. For me, mutual trust is just like a form of matrix equation contents possessed, experienced, or done by two or more persons or things at the same time more to common joint of sharing, trust, assistance, aversion and love.

Frankly speaking these criterion (Mutual Trust) had been faded ever single moment. I hate this parts when our relationship had come to this stages. Recall back from the past, I been wondering where is our naive and yet innocent love had gone. Perhaps, there is no fairy tales for me because normally the tales ended up with a good story ending but it's seem like I hardly to get one of those character.

We been tied down for almost 3 years but these later 2 years after the varsity life, our relationship seem to crack and we do argue and quarrel a lot this period. To precise we had not staying together for this past two years because we decided to stay with our parents after graduated in unversity. This is the main reason I felt not happy and even it had passed for 2 years but I still find that I am yet ready for this. Your smell, warmth, nag, love and caring still in my mind and very memorable indeed.

Yes, I been very lonely and empty lately. In my heart I do have many things that I wanted to share with you but always ended up with remain silent or undispute because don't wanted you to worry about me. Sorry babe, I knew most of the problem is kicked out by me and caused you so many trouble and stress. I Love You and tried to improve our relationship and mutual trust.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 New Year Resolution

There are so many think flew into my mind for 2009 New Year Resolution, it's seem like the times passed so fast just a flash and here come another new year. I am still 24 years old for now and and when I recap back my 2009 resolution draft I totally panic because the schedule is quite tight and I have no idea whether I achieve my resolution within this times series or not.

The first thing I wanted to do the most is tapau (resign) from my fucking bastard company (a very big company with an outlook only, in fact it have nothing special but just another ordinary china man company). But anyway my plan is to wait for my bonus which is few thousand only and just because nowadays life is very difficult so it's better for me to wait for it before I retreat. Hopefully, I make a right decision in the future and not to repeat the similar mistake that I have gone through in the past.

Second, kick off more kilograms of fat/ lard and loss some inches as well. I have gain weight in this past 2 month and I had loss 2 inches in size as well, weird is it. Anyway I will keep the hard work going because I understand the harder you work the more you gain and in fact the weight I had gains is the mass muscles had increase and not fat. I have to keep hard with my balance dietary and make sure not over eating like in the past because the fat is easy to built but to keep it slimmer is another version of story.

Take good care of my facial condition because the dirt's and oil that accumulate make us look older and messy. Have to grab hands on the more quality product soon before my skin condition is not very good especially got the scars. I think I need to get the expert advised in the skin center for a better solution. By year 2009 I need to lay hand on the Haba and Biotherm product to feed my skin.

Becoming more leng chai (handsome/ charming) in the future as a passport or insurance just in case my babe dump me. For now I am very damn lucky to have a leng chai boy friend by my side but who know in the future, he reckon to become back a straight guy and get other fag hag. I am just another fugly and chubby guys, who get a leng chai hubby for now but If I don't think of change I really don't know how long our relationship can last. Moreover, leng chai can get many advantages compare to someone who is not and myself definitely understand this fact very much because life is just cruel.

Following with a passport, paiseh (shy) to said is till have any of those pass but this year I am sure will apply one for this year because plan to go Phuket and Singapore as well. I do love travel and explore new things but due to my budget constraint I still need to work hard to achieve this aspect. Perhaps give myself some leisure times to flirt around...LoL. Moreover I do like shopping spree okay, it's better I can shop till I drop.

To sum up my new year resolution is very darn simple get a better job and work hard like mad cow. Earn better income and by this can I can continue play hard and happy as well. Becoming better man at least got improvement to show my babe my determination to change for him as well for myself. Earn big buck so that we can have a habitat together and as well getting married... LoL.

Suprise 2

Today I in a good mood because I have big plan to get going. Moreover, today also my holiday because my there are a factory shut down in my company. Later my babe called me regarding the stock that he suppose to send had been miss shipped and I straight away called my subordinate to rectifies the problem and give them instruction as well..(yes we work together and my position is slightly higher than he is ...LoL)

My babe are very down and told me he wanted to went back to the company to settle the matter. I told him just leave the problem to me and stop being influence with the matter. He is even too sad until he wanted to cancel the trip to Genting with his family. I know he is just emotional to talk such crap may be he is still blaming himself to let me down...haha. But seriously when he told me he wanted to leave his family to join the celebration I was worry and being counter with shock because his action will jeopardised my plan to give him surprise.

Till then under my good persuasion skill he finally give in and he is suspicious at all of my freaky action...(next time the Oscar Award goes to me...LoL). I wanted to buy him somethings, which is the jacket from the Topshop that he keen but ended up buy nothing because the size is out of stock and worst stilt the whole PJ and KL full with chaotic where the road is hell jamming.

Later, around 8 p.m I starting to pick up the passenger and I am very eager to see him and miss him so much. I make sure my phone are switch off so my babe cannot manage to locate me with his friend finder services. The jam is getting better when I reach Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) and within 1 hour we reach Genting and normally only 45 minutes.

We are trap in Genting, when we in the journey to find a car park and it's took another 1 hour to get my car park..sigh. When we getting of the car and the ambient is so cool and I have to took two jacket to get warmth and smoke like a pig to keep warmth. When I reach Genting I called my babe and he pick up the call and asking him his location because my friend finder showed he is on the theme park and he told me he wasn't there but in First World Hotel instead.

Then I tell him I in the First World Hotel lobby and he said are you kidding me. I said nope honey you can use your friend finder to indicate my location. Later we meet and hang out at Genting and this place is so damn crowded and he is just manage put his hand on my shoulder because we are yet ready to show affectionate in the public because Malaysia is just not yet ready for homosexual and I should said it's homosexual is illegal in my country and I don't want to end up in a Lokap (Prison).

Both of us had leaving my friend after I give them signal I need to go for date. We managed to gamble in the casino and my babe had done something which is very embarrassing till we needed to leave to other table for another sessions..LoL. My dear babe you are really funny and I almost choke to die when I think of that embarrass moment. Later meet up my friends and we proceed to the fireworks place and there crowd are even extreme and I almost ended up fighting with a barbarian who keep pushing me and I started to lost my patient and tear him off in his face...very daring huh?

The fireworks are splendid and it last for 15 minutes and I felt joyful that my babe are beside me to witness theuthopia sceneric with me. In my mind I keep thinking it is good to be true if we can stay together in this way. The ambient is very cool and my babe forgotten to bring along his jacket, I noticed that he is very cool and in no times I stripe off one of the jacket for him to stay warmth. Later we hang around in the casino after we had split with my friends and continue to have a little walk around Genting. After a short meal and supper, he finally needed to leave and myself when back to the car to have a rest while waiting for my friends to gamble.

That all my suprise to my dear, I know the journey is quite plain and boring as well. But the main point is in need him around me and miss him so much and both of us really cherish the moment very much. I love you babe and before I ended this session here with some snap shot from the event.