Sunday, November 30, 2008


Today I really freak out, my babe cannot company me to the gym as he promise he will. Sadly to say he never explain where the heck he is doing and going till he left me. He is really a bad boy and just loving his family more than me and leave me behind and waiting for his call and finally I send him a message and he send me back a message

" Sorry. I got something need to do. So can't make it."

If this kind of attitude you receive from your so called beloved, what would you do? But to me it enough to pissed me off and make me mad. On top of that I try to defend him by said that he is just too busy with so urgent things to do. Then later mix feeling arose and the battle between the angel and devil had began.... Too tired and mad to think about it and finally overslept.

Wake up then I realize I have a wedding dinner to attend at De Palma Hotel Ampang, since it is still early to attend the dinner and I straight away pack my stuff like backpacker and heading to "The Curve" for workout... Phew uber tired. Then I realize that I quite late for the dinner and some more the traffic is damn congested. If you tell me that Malaysia's economy no good then, please kiss my fat ass because I totally contrary with the facts.

Finally arrived they around 7.30 pm but the ceremony and the function not yet started. Before the ceremony begin the feast started and they had sent me to Mars by seated me with a bunch of old bags at VIP seat. Whereas all of my schoolmates are sitting together... what turfs. The dinner completed after half an hour and the ceremony are still carry on. The food in this hotel is totally sucks and really low budget ceremony indeed and the food is badly serve and even a mamak stalls food can do better than this.

I went to the toilet to consult my babe how much I should give for the ang pau and finally we decided to give hundred ringgit instead of 150 ringgit because it is really mamak food anyway. After hand over the ang pau and congratulate the couple I finally heading home and before I heading home manage to chit chat with my old freinds and mate... thats all for today and babe where the heck are you ?

Friday, November 28, 2008


Today I gone to tell you guys my faggot trilogy... hmph where to start ? To recalled back, it's started almost three years from now during my varsity life. At first I am just a bunch of guys that just concern about pussy or gals (straight guy) and the climate started to arose when my ex-girlfriend hurts me so deep till I had no feeling and even hate this species so much... but finally i realize it just the matter of love feeling and there is no bias towards friendship with gals. I even lost my interest with gals even a porno will not make me horny and just not keen into it.

During my depression there is one guy always by my side to concern me and take care of me. Yup he is my beloved babe and now he is my boyfriend. At the beginning he is my foe during highschool and who know a foe can be my lover and when I think of it... I sometimes will smile and LOL. This story indeed dramatic and like chinese saying "Life Is Just Like Drama", this kind of story just happen in movies and dramas but it's indeed came into my life.

But frankly speaking to heal the torn, it's good to start with another new relationship. In the first place I know he is a gay and he is so charming and handsome as well. Almost everyday we went out together, eat together, study together. Since he is my course mate and he always teach me the subject that I am not good in, which is math. Due to his concern and care finally I miss him so much his voice, smell and care and I even crying when he is not around me.

When think deeper and deeper he is so handsome and charming, how could he willing to be a soulmate of a fugly guy like me. But finally we are being together during the first month of the 3th in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. That is the time we when to Port Dickson two of us and we even had XXX. Even though in the previous we just jerk off each others and masturbate together. Later I become addicted to him and really can't get myself out of him. For me this kind of relationship is pure compare to my previous relationship and really can't help it because man alway think of sex for every 5 minutes.

Most of the people think that having a soulmate in life is the sweetest things in life and I do agree with this fact. But under the blessing in my life he is the one, I wanted to stay with forever. I vow to myself that I will not in love with gals... and sorry la from now on pussy is not my cup of tea but a cock is a totally yes. Occasionally I be aware that he is not leaving me and flirt around because he is just too perfect for me and I can't take another disappointment anymore.

For the sake of him and I decided to change myself in term of physical and mentally revolution. But I know it is not easy task to fulfill. Dear folks wish me luck so our relationship can be remain till my last breath and there is still much things and obstacles to break through because choosing gay life definately is harsh. From my experience being in love with two type of species male and female, dating with guy sure feeling better but it is damn hard because our relationship normally closet... but anyway I love you babe and I love you always.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Reorganization - Victim

My cunning managers, finally gave me some works to do since I been sitting there more than 9 months of day's dreaming and blogging. But this times around he giving me the workload just as high as mountain starting next year. Yet I still have approximate one month to enjoy my lazy life and this jobs really demoralize and demotivate me becoming a passive person.

This company can be consider good in term of employees welfare but in my point of view I still under pay and the whole team in my department got increment after the confirmation and I am yet to have any increment after the confirmation and still deduct my expected salary by giving me nonsense and stupid excuse. Since this company is really my cup of tea either I find an alternative for leaving or else continue till getting the bonus in June perhaps.

Eventually I had been con by my managers to work with this company, even I work with the good company previously. To recall back previously I working in sales and marker ting field for building material, but the company really a "CinaPet" (China man) company, where I am not allow to take the annual leave, no employees welfare, have to participate in the warehouse sales, which follow the carnival sales. Worst still during the warehouse sales we even need to work extra 8 days and replace back with 4 days of replacement leave.

Working in my previous company indeed enhance my experience and working satisfaction because being a sales and marketing person really challenging and I even cried, crazy, depress, happy, sad and etc feeling during that point of times. Finally I give up after achieve my target by specified few project, which costs more than 4 million... really proud of it's. The main reason of my leaving is I love my babe too much and wanted to see him more often and being pamper by him... wrong decision indeed.

In order to cut the story short, my current jobs eventually a failure being con by his hyena talks such as you can travel to oversea to develop your market and sales... but the project are fail due to lack of support for the production because the scale is too big and they can't support following by the stupid pricing structure. A visionary person and aggressive like me have to stick with the lame and passive environment is a bit hard for me. Thinking of leaving and perhaps the company is testing my emotional quotient.... sigh.... freaking days had passed.

Madagasgar 2

Yesterday is Wednesday, we went for a movie after workout at The Curve. The Madagascar indeed a good movie and we buying couple seats ticket as well. My babe knowing that I urge for this movie quite sometimes and he bring me along to buy the movie ticket and lucky there ain't no crowd at the Cathay Cineleisure. Eventually we are being force to to buy the couple seats by the ticket seller, perhaps we really look like couple but finally we give in and buy the seats and in my hearts I felt very happy and just like the fireworks and can't wait for cuddling together.. hehe

The Madagascar 2 everything is much the same as before. The vocal cast strives to wring laughter out of dialogue that is at most fitfully funny. As Usual the penguins steal the show, their relatively brief screen time providing all the real highlights and making you wish there were an entire series of short films dedicated to them. The bunch of monkeys really a good in earnings their profit and fight for their welfare, what a materialistic monkeys but I had no doubt they monkeys union is strong in the movie.

This time around Alex the lion and his buddies land crash while trying to return to New York from Madagascar, conveniently ending up at the very place where Alex was captured as a cub years ago. The majority of the plot details Alex’s attempts to reconcile with his father, who thinks he’s a dancing wimp, not a fearsome fighter. Subplots deal with Marty the zebra’s attempt to stand out as an individual now that he is surrounded by a herd of zebras and Melman the giraffe declares his secret love for Gloria the hippo.

The movie is funny and the granny who kicked Alex butt is damn funny... poor lion. But this movie quite overrated especially the granny parts because there is not man using a bare hand and bags can beaten up a lion. This movie also enlighten me because the Alex father's finally give up or accept Alex as what he is not meant to me. I hope my parent's also can be like Alex parent's to accept what he is not meant to be. I hope someday I am not living my life in the shadow and being accepted from my family's, friends and community that I am a PLu.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

She Confront

Today I had blanch with Vicky (the shemale) at Sunway Pyramid and the main ideas is to get her the present she wanted. Since it almost 3 p.m I suggest we having a meals at Sushi kings and she agreed. The sushi king that period around is having the sake promotion and there is variety of sake dishes to choose and myself also can't help it to order few plates of sake sushi. Finally the bills out and the amount is RM 60 over and it's quite expensive for a meal.. huh.

Later we hang around the complex for almost 3 hours to get the doll that she wanted and pretty sorry for her the dolls is out of stock .. haha. Then I feel panic searching all around my pocket and finally realize my phone left in the car and I rushing to my car like a mad man to get my phone. The hidden agenda why I am so concerned about my phone is my babe will called me any times and spot check me of course using friend finder from maxis... such a lame technology who make someone suffer.

Later Vicky smelling somethings cooking and finally she confront with me is it my babe who is calling. I am trying to kick my butt out of this topic but she is not letting me go so easily and keep daring me to show my girlfriend... hello where am I suppose to get my girlfriend to show her since I am a gay. Later I give up and remain silent because my babe and me are being friend with this bastard shemale for 6 years and finally she confront that she know about a little secret of us. The silence's from me equal to the admitting of the facts because I finally give up because she have a very good supportive argument which swap off all of my lied and cheating.

Eventually she saw us kissing and " ham sap " (bitchy and horny) during the times we went to Genting Highlands. But she just remain silent until today she confront with me and wanted to know the answer. I just told her if you really know then you just better pretended because since I am also damn tiring to pretend I am straight. She then keep telling me the karma and the side effect that this kind of relationship can cause and advised me to change my lifestyle as well. She even daring to say the " A " word with me and called me to take care of myself.

I remaining silence and feel depress as well and later she noticed and started to cheer me up and change to other topic which make me feeling better. She is not done in choosing her gifts and she also propose we shifted to Midvalley to get her gifts. Then here she start again asking our relationship and finally I pissed off and " bomb her with my grenade ". Actually I had an appointment with my babe to workout together at The Curve and I tied to cheat Vicky by telling her that I had an appointment with my friends. Spontaneously she answer never mind we go together and perhaps I can Introduce my friends to her and finally I give up and said never mind I just follow her to Midvalley.

That day around the few hours with her just like a few decades to me and she finally get the present she wanted which cost me RM 70 over. She is really a bitch by sending me a present which is kena scold gau gau from my babe because I cannot company him to gym and which make me broken my promise by making me a not thrustworthy boyfriends .. Go to hell you fucking shemale. But in my heart I still very happy because the is one person knowing our relationship and there is no hiding and closet things that we had to pretend.

Shattered - O.A.R.

Lately my emotional is really up side down and really get depress easily. My babe nagging skills seem like better than the chatter box and really contribute a lot in my blood pressure and thank you for always fill up my eyes with tears. Anyway to cut things short this is how I felt lately from O.A.R - Shattered and do enjoy for the llyrics very meaningful.

Shattered - O.A.R.

In a way, I need a change From this burnout scene
Another time, another town Another everything
But it's always back to you

Stumble out, in the night From the pouring rain
Made the block, sat and thought There's more I need
It's always back to you

But I'm good without ya
Yeah, I'm good without you
Yeah, yeah, yeah

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around

Give me a break let me make my own pattern
All that it takes is some time but I'm shattered
I always turn the car around

I had no idea that the night
Would take so damn long
Took it out, on the street
While the rain still falls
Push me back to you

But I'm good without ya
Yeah, I'm good without you
Yeah, yeah, yeah

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around

Give me a break let me make my own pattern
All that it takes is some time but I'm shattered
I always turn the car around

Give it up, give it up, baby
Give it up, give it up, now

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around
All that I feel is the realness I'm faking
Taking my time but it's time that I'm wasting
Always turn the car around

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after I always turn the car around

Don't wanna turn that car around
I gotta turn this thing around

Monday, November 24, 2008

Celebrate Shemale Birthday's at Italianies

Yesterday is my shemale friend (Kar Chan) birthdays but since we are out of ideas to get her a place for her 24th birthday's celebration. Then we decided to bring it on at Italianies after reject the Chilis and T.G.I friday for the celebration. But since me and my babe just back from The Curve after the workout and finally we decided to give it up at the 1U Italianies.
Since two of us (me and my buddy patrick) is a smoker, so we request for a smoking area but the places is so cozy and hot. Finally I had requested the manager to change our seats to non smoking area. There is just four of us together with the birthday gals, we had order two set of bowl pasta and classic pizza after the Sicilian pizza is out of stock.

My gay friends

How Intimate They Are ?

We really had a good times in Italianies and we really had a lotsa of chit chat and lame jokes as well. But come to the dishes I am a bit of dissapointed because compare to the Italianies at The Curve the food seem like more well prepared compare to the one in 1U. Anyway we still enjoy ourself and manage to get a few snap shot at that occassion.

Two gays With A Shemale..Sigh

Look Like A Long Missing Gayhood fren

The best part of this celebration is the employees of Italianies is helping us to celebrate the birthday girl and also put a prank on her by forcing her to drink the Olive oil..really damn embarass for her. Later Italianies reward the birthday girl with the Nz strawberry cheese cakes and lastly thank to Italianies for the jovial moment we had. Later will update some of the pic that we had taken that day.

The Present She Requested For Present... Really Childish

Gay Boy Being Force By The Shemale For a Hook Up


On Saturday, as usual I had a date with my babe and he is gorgeous and getting slimmer after a few sessions workout. We when to the Fitness First before we hang around to our next programme. My babe joining the Fitness club to support and encourage me to kick out lards from my body and redefine myself... I am definitely a fatso. My babe is quite a slim person and slightly workout definitely make him slim. My stubborn body fats seem like very hard to lighten and perhaps this is what I had to pay for overeating and lazy for workout.

Sometimes I thought of having a break for my workout schedules because my muscles and bones are really in pain. Especially after recover from hurting my back pain during working and workout. My babe sometimes could be very stubborn as ass and scold me and throw me junk of nonsense words such as I took it for granted... sigh. After the workout we heading to Sunway Pyramid for a hang out destination.

My babe managed to get a hot tops from shibuya... when he trying the tops I almost get erected and he is damn hot. Sometimes come to logical why a hot guys like him would like a fugly person like me ??? This question really being bother me for a long times and yet to get any answers. We also hang out at the Asian Avenue to get a present from my tomboys friends since her birthdays just around the conner. Later when to Sakae Sushi for dinner and we are done with Sunway Pyramid and heading to next destination.

At first we planned to go Marketplace since is Saturday night is the biys night but I know he is no so keen and really can tell from his non verbal expression and of course together with so lame excuses. Then we when to NZX at Taman Mayang there, which is a unigue open concept street similiar with Petaling Street but look nicer and more happening at NZX. There is also Disneyland events at this whole compound and it is so crowded.

Later we bump up with some f*cker from my company and asking why just two of us only and where is our fliers is and they smell somethings and keep asking to get a clear picture. There are just a bunch of pitch who always pick up with someone, if really can I wanted to yell at them that "I am a Gay".. to cut the things short they even spread the incident around my company... really a jackass. The jerk just know how to kick off conflicts and make us miserable... stop bother my life go back and fuck your pussy and stay out of my ass business...blek( Sorry for being so explicit in my words because I am so Pissed off)

But to cut the sad story short just back to my joyful life where my babe brought me a pairs of Adidas Shoe, very unexpected I thought my babe buying that shoe for his own but at the end of the dates he tuned the shoe to me as a token as an obedient lover. He is damn charming and I really can help myself to always by his sides and he is always giving surprise. The shoes maybe not my cup of tea but I do drink tea's sometimes and the most important things is the inner beauty and surprise from him... Love you always Babe.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Blogthings Test

Today I found out a few cute things to do at blogthings there are pretty fun tests indeed. I am not just only enjoy the test carry out by this sites but I do agree with the outcomes that came out from this test.

I am A Siamese Cat

This is the explaination from the test that taken by me; you are a very communicative creature. You're eager to express yourself - and do so often.You are very dependent and love attention. You will complain if you are not getting enough affection.Even though you are very loving, you can seem aloof, unpredictable, and stubborn in relationships.A relationship with you takes a lot of patience.

I am 70% Dog, 30% Cat
You and dogs definitely have a lot in common.You're both goofy, happy, and content with the small things in life.However, you're definitely not as needy as the average dog. You need your down time occasionally.

I am a Phoenix

Driven and ambitious, you tend to acquire material success easily.You have grand schemes - both for your own life and for changing the whole world.You are a great leader, and you have no problem taking the reigns.However, you aren't all business. You also have great talents for performing and visual arts.

Misfortune Due To Clumsiness

What Are You Looking At... I Am A Rat_ Boi

This years around there is many misfortune stories had happen to me. According to the Chinese zodiac this years is the rat year where is the year I been born... yes you are correct I am a ratboi. Basically I am numb of the misfortune incident that had happen to me. At first I am very sad and always blaming the gods and not to left out myself as well. It's a norm when somethings bad had happen to a human prayers are the normal practise that they will do but even though I am a free thinker (Atheism) but under my babe persuasion I still give myself a try to get some blessing.

But the misfortune arose and arose till I really numb of those lame incident. This years around I had 3 times accident and not to mention the typical accident. My car NCD which is 55% are gone and the summon are accumulating but lucky due to the election there are a discount for the summon. Following with the wallet, where I had lost twice of my wallet this years around and the penalty I had to pay for the identity cards, ATM cards, license, replacement credit card and etc... sigh

Whoop do I mentioned I also had lost my hand phone and digital camera as well. You guys try to figure out if those events had happen to you how you felt. Franky speaking I had gone through this had times so far and hopefully all of those misfortune cases just stay away from me. Yes, I had cry, depress, broke, sad, burnout and lot more but lucky there is someones who shine upon me during I in trouble and under my babe love and caring I finally gone through this hard times under my dear support.. Thank you babe for your support and caring you are just the angel who delight me always.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fail To Ignite Passion

I am currently having this little problem with my babe in term of "Romance".We have been seeing each other on daily ever since I had chosen my babe as my fliers. These days I just pouring out my sadness within myself in my lonely room and the situation is getting worse and sometimes even had delusion. It's looked liked I not getting enough love and attention from my babe and we are quite rare to have snuggle up and passion as well.

Hence my babe argument is as long as both of us have chemistry and understand it is more than enough. But frankly speaking I disagree on the facts that given by my babe because I know no words is better than action... really a crappy excuses. Furthermore, not to deny other peoples for unrecognized our relationship but it's seem to me my babe also started to give up.

I still remember at first our relationship is too sweet to forgotten because my babe is the most precious things in my life and I love my babe more than everyone could imagine. Anyway to start with what the heck is wrong with me, am I so fugly till you had to ignore me. Your ignorance action really enough for me stop my heart beat. This is the reason why our relationship is getting departed and faded... I really love you.

Perhaps the times and the period we been together is almost to the bottom line and as times go by the relationship is begin faded. But I can assure you that my feeling towards you are not yet change even little and I always spread my wings to you to show my passion. For you I really willing to change whether outlook nor attitude to satisfy you but if you really noticed I really change a lot from hot temper became tame and from glutton beast became dietary practitioner. I am not tried to showed you what I had do to you but I just wanted you to know all the things I had done is to get your attention and my love to you... hope you could understand.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fallen Love With Someone I shouldn't

I been very tiring with my personal life to stay away my life in the dark side of me. My life started to be sloping upward and downward lately. Even most of my colleague, parents, siblings and friends can smell what is cooking but we still stand tall by just pretending there is nothing happen even those most of the people knew we are couple... sigh. I presume our act is just like ostrich just staying away from problems by hiding the head in the ground and thought nobody know what had happen.

Choosing this path is indeed a very difficult move had been taken by me and I really love my babe so much even though I know there is no happy ending story for us. Our relationship is almost 3 years and I tell you guys I had gone through this few years like passed decade. Being what we are not meant to be really make a lot of people feel hideous and awkward and sometimes I felt ashamed to myself.

Sometimes I been wondering is it correct we stay together and also been wondering to quit this games before too late... but I am stepping this path so deep until there is no way back for me... just like a person in the middle of Oceania and there is no turning back. I don't know choosing my babe can be so fruitful and can't explain chemistry within us had developed and the most important things is I never felt this kind of happiness before.

My main concern is my dear is some sort of bitchy type and I scare babe will flown away just like a birds. I really needed to change myself in term of personality and outlook to catch with babe because the gaps between us is very far beyond my imagination. I really felt unsecured and the gaps seem to be getting further and further. Sorry babe for being doubt with you maybe you are just too good for me and I not deserve to own you.

The root course of this problem is due to the narrow minded from the society make us felt that we are just creatures. The puns from them is really hurt me and this act himself already can make me felt wanted to cry for few days. Perhaps carry two type of identity is making me tired and sick already. Being a person who I not meant to be always in terror, afraid of siblings, parents, relatives and friends find out the true and being boycott and tease by the love one of this sickening life.

I just wanted to be happy with my love one maybe not forever but it better last as long as the times could. I willing to scarified what ever I could to make this relationship last and extend longer as our ages is getting late. Trust me our life in Malaysia is more to pathetic rather than happiness but most of us still struggle to get a better life even though it is disobey the religion codes and philosophy... but will never give up and still maintain this kind of life style. God I knew I had sinned but please forgive of my naive and desire and your blessing is highly appreciated.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Lovely Moment to snuggle up
In the noon times I asked my babe to join me for the workout at the gym class... my babe had agreed and after both of us pack the gym stuff and we finally heading to Fitness First to kick off some lard in the body. My babe indeed very poor in workout and less than ten minutes my dear are surrender with white flags... very funny indeed.

But there are somethings pissed me of because there are some guys are peeping at my dears and I just hooked up with my dear all day long and as a sign to the guys to stay away... f*ck you guys. In the future better keep my babe in the cage because too dangerous for my dear to hook outside there are too many sinister beast around.

My babe is very hungry since the workout not yet started and I bring my dear to the renowned Dim Sum restorans in my house compound for a meals. Dear eat the food gluttony and until the stomach almost bloating really funny. Then we heading home for a cuddling section and etc I tell you guys if this event can last forever that will be great... another quality times wit my babe.

Later we when to hang out at the Pavilion for shopping and since my babe birthdays is around then I brought dear a present and of course I hang around at the compound and managed to visit Adidas store because they having a " Reborn " promotion and whoever bring any old sport shoe's are entitled to get Rm 50 voucher if you purchase Adidas sport shoe's worth Rm 250 or more but not applied to Adidas original, golf, the ambassador shoes. Lastly we having dinner at Sakae sushi and we really do a lot of eating today and before we heading home we also had a dessert at my house compound... Love you babe for such lovely day and I know you are very tired do have a good rest.

Friday, November 14, 2008


As Lost and Britney.. Really such a Losser

Our relationship kind of weird because lately we had a lot of argument and do quarrel a lot these days. Really not as good as old days and whenever I try the more negative impacts I get. Some times this kind of thing is really pissed me off perhaps I really need to a revolution. I am a type of person need to cuddle or stick together with someone I love but my dear are vice versa. Maybe I am just as blakout like Britney both of us just as same because both of us also a losser.

Sometimes really don't understand why ours relationship can last for so long. But babe don't think that your are understand me and no what I am thinking. I know you are reading I just wanted to inform you that you actually know nothing about me because myself also don't understand myself but I will try to change myself to be a better man.

Eventually I had a very complex family's compare to the other's and furthermore the work, personal stuff and emotional stress is the main root of this problem. Sometimes I really being silly to said that I am very pity but compare to the other's I am so much better. Maybe I am lack of support and always kept things within myself... I am really sick sick of myself for being a jerk.

These days I always had Insomnia and migraine, the only cure for me is my cigarette and my paracetamol which is my best pal lately. Anyway I will be strong and try to change myself to become a better men and do which me luck okay readers.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Commercial Break - Guess

The Guess Sales are Back... with good deals

Guess what the " Guess " sales are back in town and with better offer. Even though the sales a gimmick to generate the sales volume for the Guess products but who care if the deals is good. Now the Guess departmental chain kick out a deals for those who purchase RM 350 and above in a single receipts are entitled Rm250 voucher. This deals is for all acessories, clothes ( for certain chain), watches and etc... good deals especially for Christmas present.

This promotion are valid till 31st of December 2008 and my advised to you guys is spend wisely or share the buying with friends because the minimum of purchase are not so friendly. Furthermore you also can use the Guess membership card for an additional discount. For girls now is the times to redefine or change a new bags because the prices for a bags in Guess is really worth to buy... for more information please visit Guess departmental store.

Quantum Of Solace

Nice Tux.. Bond and are the man

I personally love (Daniel Craig) the man in this movie, he is very damn cool and superb in this movie. To be frank I not really flavour on James Bond but this movie really hot indeed. The Quantum of Solace continues the high octane adventures of James Bond in Casino Royale after being betrayed by Vesper, the woman he loved and Bond urge to make his latest mission personal full with vengeance and full with action and stun either to killed or to be killed.

The Post is cool and full with mysterious

In order to pursuing his determination to uncover the truth, Bond and M (Judi Dench) interrogate Mr. White, who reveals the organization which blackmailed Vesper is far more complex and dangerous than anyone had imagined. This movie also kick out few hotties and one of them is feisty Camille (Olga Kurylenko), a woman who had vendetta to be make by her own for her family grudge.

I like this Pic look so cool and abstract as well

The action trail start, when Dominic Greene (Mathieu Amalric), a ruthless business man and major force within the mysterious organization and conspiring to take total control of one of the world's most important natural resources (water), is forging a deal with the exiled General Medrano (Joaquin Cosio). Using his associates in the organization, and manipulating his powerful contacts within the CIA and the British government, Greene promises to overthrow the existing regime in a Latin American country giving the General control of the country in exchange for a seemingly barren piece of land.

I hope I can be just like bond always with hotties.. sigh

This times around James Bond film have no gadgets, sex or money and instead you get non stop action I mean serious action, high speed car, boat, airplane chase just to name a few to keep you at the edge of your seat...full with action and stun only. The true blue Bond fans expecting to see a more traditional Bond film will be disappointed but I applauded the director Marc Forster for having the guts to stray away from the "norm" . This is a must watch movie even if you are not a me. I rate this action movie 9 stars out of 10.

Lame Training and Steamboat Session

Today it's had been a long winter day's because of the lame training that I had to attend. The presentation is hideous and for me the training and the presentation is just another unfruitful training... and I really not impress. In my point of view the student's can do better than this perhaps lack of preparation and the presentation skills totally sucks.

During evening time's I had an appointment with my babe because yesterday I had to leave my dear alone for my daily routine (gym)... and of course my dear are mad on me. In order to make things right I had to spend quality time with my dear. We canvasing around at The Curve for foods, finally we made up ours mind to have a dinner at ketam steamboat at the Ikano.

My dear even brought me a t-shirt for my workout at the Padini Concept Store since they had a sales... Thank you dear for your present and love you. Today's the crowd at The Curve seem like faded because we manage to get a good seat for the movie in Cineleisure for Quantum of Solace. The movie is uber exciting full with action and there are some revolusion from bond movies and the best parts is we can snuggle up together and I hope this can stay forever.

Below is some picture that we taken during the steamboat dinner.

This is the tomyam sup we had order in the Ketam Steamboat

The clear sup that we had order

The Bamboo fish paste that we had order for side dishes

The steamboat set for two that we had order

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Evil Monkey

The Pic is Cute, Innit... Yeah I know It's just Look Like me

To start with, I assume everyone will thought that Monday is not sexy especially after had a good weekend and Monday are consider nightmare because needed to start the daily work or routine. Working is just some sorts of torture for me because working is just as boring to accompany mom to the market of shopping's... just a lame description of my feeling.

Be Hold The Evil Monkey From My Company... There are everywhere

Today's there are some monkey from other department in company are making my workplace like a concerts regarding the stock storage.... blah blah blah. It's by human nature when something's had happen they just take it for granted worse still they all are not try to solve the problem but they rather playing Taichi and worse still get some scapegoat's to escape from the bomb... I meant the problem. The best parts is my stupid subordinate's even dare to drag me along... wtf really pisssed me off.

Please bare in mind to all the reader's or friends don't you dare to come in my company to work if you want a peaceful days. Before I forgortten my company is OYL manufacturing for air conditioning and ventilation. Working in this place is just like prison and even lunch times you eat at canteen and the food sucks and to go out you need to took 15 minutes to the car park and form have to be submit for the stupid lunch. Moreover there are wars everyday especially when you have enquiry's... really . The best parts is most of the employee's seem like wanted this company to go bankcrupt.... and they arguement is they can get VSS the compensation for the worker's and this company really corupt and the worker's thought is really naive in my point of view.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Sanctuary

After working rushing to the curve to hang up with my ex-colleague, there all hang out at the apartment to celebrate my ex-senior manager birthday... darn I had left my ex-company for one year. We had a short chit chat before I continue with my daily routine, yes correct workout at the gym. After two hour of workout and finally receive called from Jasmine that they all at the Sanctuary for clubbing and urge me to join as well.

The Interior And The Concept Not Bad For A Club But The It's a bit Cozy

At first I am hesitating to join them because quite sometimes that I had leaf the company and it feel very awkward to join them back because I felt guilty for leaving my lovely ex-company. Anyway all after having a workout it's not good at all to drink liquor and beers. Finally I give in an joining them at Sanctuary, quite happy to see them because still missing all of them especially Jasmine and Chua.

The music at the happy hour time is dull and lame but most of them are enjoyed due to the theme " Jumbo Mambo Night" because majority of them is old bags. The crowd seem to be missing at Sanctuary maybe the night is still young. They had order 6 jugs of beer and 2 bottle of Hennessy brandy. They started to rave and break the dance floor and myself still quite reluctant to drink one of those "air longkang" (the beer and liquor).

In the beginning I just took green tea as my drink and all of them teasing me and force me to drink and later I have to give in and join them to rave as well. There are just six of us and they are definitely are hardcore drinker and everytime I with them I almost drunk and puke and futhermore I am in an empty stomach after the workout.

When times had passed the crowd are starting and there are more and more people turn in this club. We all still in heat and the beat are getting better and the DJ's start to play some good song and the feels is getting better and my body started to sway with the beat. As the beat is getting better and better. Quite in a sudden one of my ex-colleque puke and fell down and she manage to break a few glasses which make the whole scenerio stunned for a moment. I started dancing my heart out to the music because the alcohol seem like undertaking my mind and I feel steam at that moment.

Later on most of them have to leave and me and few of my members still staying and enjoy the night. Finally I give up and after a short while break before I also leaving and today's really uber tired. Aftermath of the clubbing session I felt drowsy and headache and my stomach are bloating due to the alcohol that I had taken.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another Lame Sunday's

This Sunday indeed another lame day's for me just stay at home on the sofa and watching TV and snuggle up with my pillow with loneliness. Later joining my two brother's for blanch in Bandar Manjalara for meals. Where I had order Yong tau foo, yam paste abacus and wantan mee to fill up my stomach... really hell a lot of food there full with temptation. But lucky my two brother's help me to finish up the food together with me.

After the meals three of us decided to go on shopping at Jusco Kepong and I had brought a pairs of New Balance snicker and few morning towel for my workout and also not forgetting the scaling machine to see the result of my workout. After a short while, we decided to leave and heading back home for another rest.

Later on, I decided to go for a workout at The Curve because I felt guilty for my action for taking too much of foods into my stomach. After a two hours workout I finally done and have a ice blended green tea at Starbucks to relax and enjoy together with my honey blueberry cigar. As I am enjoying my life at Starbucks my parents rang me for a dinner.

Finally I joining the dinner with them at one of a restorans in Sg, Buloh and the foods as usual taste good. I managed to control myself by having small portion of the meals during the dinner because it's not good after all to make myself bloated as I'm on diet. The gathering is not bad and ended up very well and how lucky I am together with my family on Sunday, isn't it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Discharge, Consume and Redefine

During weekend most of my times is quite tight and there is no exceptional for this Saturday. I have an appointment at 1.00pm with my beloved one. But at 11.30am my heart urge to go for gym session at Fitness First and since I am a fatso I better have a workout before before I laid back. But the sauna and the steam room is my favourite activities and today the gym not too pack with people's just like always. Later I realize that I had late for my appointment about and the watches showed it is already 2.30pm. My darling go to be very mad on mad on me.... dead meat for sure.

Weekend is really the day I looked forward because after long working hours we can go for leisure and the best part is we can have a good night out and there is someone to snuggle up.... hehe really bitchy. We heading to Bukit Bintang as our going out destination and the traffic seem very damn congested. The traffic took us more than an hour to reach Bukit Bintang, usually we just took 20 minutes to reach there.

As we reach to Bukit Bintang, we straight away heading to Pavillion for blanch because both of us damn hungry. In order to fulfill our glutton stomach, we had choose Tony Roma's as our feasting destination. This is the first time, both of us came here to dine and the food not bad, where I had order 1/2 BBQ chicken and my babe had order fish and chip and also add on one potato broth. The potion is very huge it's took us almost 2 hours to complete our meal and our stomach almost bloated. Then we leaving for a shopping around Pavillion boutique and shops.

Both of us decided shift to Sg. Wang for a hair cut at Michael and Guys for a haircut, the salon are doing very well in business and some more there have a lot of foreigner customer's. This salon totally suck because because one of the lame worker's there make me wet during the time he wash my hairs. After finish haircut we when to Famous Amos to buy drink and I had a pineapple juice which is good for digestion after the heavy meals.

Later Heading back to pavillion because we thought it's good to have movie session for us to snuggle up. But because I am a very laid back person due to the long queue then we decided to chicken up because it's pointless to watch a movie at 2.00am after all. Then we finally decided to have a dessert at KTZ near my house compound but can make it because the place is full house and we decided try our luck at Kepong hawker's market and we manage to have a chit chat and enjoy the dessert there.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Balancing In Life

Tremendously it's normal to have conflict in life whether is friends, siblings, relatives and partner as well. This also the situation that I had encounter so far. Mainly this incident occurs due to miscommunication or lack of confidence from both parties. Perhaps, both of us is different and lack of understanding of each other. Moreover, high expectation from both parties really can tore us apart... please trust me because I had encounter this situation before.

Myself personally know both parties have to understand this matter and be open about it if we doubt to each other. Previously both of us try to creates strong goals and ambitions to keep moving forward for a better life but yet I am fail to perform and on the other hand is doing well. My pressure seem like getting tougher and tougher, what I should do because the border seem like getting further and further... lord please advise me the act I should take.

On top of that, I do cherish every moment together but the passion for us to stay together seem like fade. Worst still even myself gave up because both of us have different identity and characteristics... very hard to pleased each other sometimes and win win situation is from from beyond imagination but of course once in a blue moon.

Starting our ties at first are tough and uneasy really hope the other party could cherish and give more. Perhaps, the root to cause this problem mainly from my side because I am just like parasite like to stick with other till satisfied and the other side cannot bear with me due to my buzzing. For the time being I try to balance my life in term of family, job and love and will try to build up the bridge between us, so a break should be okay.

Lastly, during this transition period I will be alright as long both of us understand each other and what is our intention really are. The most important thing is I never took our relationship for granted as myself really cherish every move we make and really love to spend more times together but frankly speaking the other side seem don't like the commitment so much because the other side thought there is no needs to be sacrifice. I just feels wanted to be valued and life really ain't easy... sigh

Thursday, November 6, 2008

" High School Musical 3 - Senior Year "

There is no doubt this is one of the best movie I encounter for this year. The cast in this movie are no different from the previous one such as Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel, Corbin Bleu, Monique Coleman, Bart Johnson, Alyson Reed and lot more. High School Musical 3 definitely had improved . The sets was awesome with the boy-meets-girl plot, good-looking stars and high-energy song and dance routines. It was a triumph of concept over style.

The story goes when the final year for the class of Troy, Gabriela and others, gifting the school with a grand prom as a good bye. But the dramatic arc replicates the previous stories, as the kids put on a play, struggling with their conflicting passions in order to express their feelings with catchy music and energetic dancing.

This dazzling dance are a credit to Kenny Ortega, the director, where he choreographed some of the greatest high school movies in the scenerio including Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Footloose gets an extended homage, perhaps as Ortega is directing the remake.

Despite not being a natural singer or dancer, Zac Efron as Troy is a magnetic presence. In contrast, Vanessa Hudgens, who plays his girlfriend, gets some of the weaker moments.There is a sadness in saying goodbye to the current set, particularly the scene-stealing Sharpay Evans played by Ashley Tisdale. But as all the high school sweethearts spend the film longingly pawing each other.

Overall this one of the good movies that being cast so far, it's really recall back the sweet memory that I had encounter during highschool and varsity life. Even though this movie setting is more to westerner background but I sense that the plot and the happening event almost same from my previous one but not to mentioned this movie just a bit overated in term of lifestyle and execution compare to mine from the past.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fundamental Of Environment

Environment is something that every mankind should taken care of. Most of the people are just kissing goodbye to the environment awareness. The reason I kick kicked off this topic is due to the environment day's that we are having in my company. Eventually myself also not a person that's care for the environment stuff too much because myself also a smoker. But at least I am trying to consume lesser cigarettes, carpool with colleague, joining the environmental awareness activities and more.

Albeit, joining this environmental awareness activities is because of feeling guilty or what but the main reason of this participation also mainly from the reward. Even though, it sound not genuine but guess what human are born to be glutton and greed by nature and please bear with me when you not agree with me.. I do agreed there are bunch of people not thirst of blood but majority does. Here are some of my copycat works with the conjunction of the environmental awareness activities that I participated in. Hopefully you guys enjoy the poster I had design.

In the conjunction toward the environment awareness, I am urging each one of us to do somethings for the mothernature. Last but not least, please do somethings to the environment and Green Peace