Thursday, November 27, 2008

Madagasgar 2

Yesterday is Wednesday, we went for a movie after workout at The Curve. The Madagascar indeed a good movie and we buying couple seats ticket as well. My babe knowing that I urge for this movie quite sometimes and he bring me along to buy the movie ticket and lucky there ain't no crowd at the Cathay Cineleisure. Eventually we are being force to to buy the couple seats by the ticket seller, perhaps we really look like couple but finally we give in and buy the seats and in my hearts I felt very happy and just like the fireworks and can't wait for cuddling together.. hehe

The Madagascar 2 everything is much the same as before. The vocal cast strives to wring laughter out of dialogue that is at most fitfully funny. As Usual the penguins steal the show, their relatively brief screen time providing all the real highlights and making you wish there were an entire series of short films dedicated to them. The bunch of monkeys really a good in earnings their profit and fight for their welfare, what a materialistic monkeys but I had no doubt they monkeys union is strong in the movie.

This time around Alex the lion and his buddies land crash while trying to return to New York from Madagascar, conveniently ending up at the very place where Alex was captured as a cub years ago. The majority of the plot details Alex’s attempts to reconcile with his father, who thinks he’s a dancing wimp, not a fearsome fighter. Subplots deal with Marty the zebra’s attempt to stand out as an individual now that he is surrounded by a herd of zebras and Melman the giraffe declares his secret love for Gloria the hippo.

The movie is funny and the granny who kicked Alex butt is damn funny... poor lion. But this movie quite overrated especially the granny parts because there is not man using a bare hand and bags can beaten up a lion. This movie also enlighten me because the Alex father's finally give up or accept Alex as what he is not meant to me. I hope my parent's also can be like Alex parent's to accept what he is not meant to be. I hope someday I am not living my life in the shadow and being accepted from my family's, friends and community that I am a PLu.

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