Monday, November 10, 2008

The Sanctuary

After working rushing to the curve to hang up with my ex-colleague, there all hang out at the apartment to celebrate my ex-senior manager birthday... darn I had left my ex-company for one year. We had a short chit chat before I continue with my daily routine, yes correct workout at the gym. After two hour of workout and finally receive called from Jasmine that they all at the Sanctuary for clubbing and urge me to join as well.

The Interior And The Concept Not Bad For A Club But The It's a bit Cozy

At first I am hesitating to join them because quite sometimes that I had leaf the company and it feel very awkward to join them back because I felt guilty for leaving my lovely ex-company. Anyway all after having a workout it's not good at all to drink liquor and beers. Finally I give in an joining them at Sanctuary, quite happy to see them because still missing all of them especially Jasmine and Chua.

The music at the happy hour time is dull and lame but most of them are enjoyed due to the theme " Jumbo Mambo Night" because majority of them is old bags. The crowd seem to be missing at Sanctuary maybe the night is still young. They had order 6 jugs of beer and 2 bottle of Hennessy brandy. They started to rave and break the dance floor and myself still quite reluctant to drink one of those "air longkang" (the beer and liquor).

In the beginning I just took green tea as my drink and all of them teasing me and force me to drink and later I have to give in and join them to rave as well. There are just six of us and they are definitely are hardcore drinker and everytime I with them I almost drunk and puke and futhermore I am in an empty stomach after the workout.

When times had passed the crowd are starting and there are more and more people turn in this club. We all still in heat and the beat are getting better and the DJ's start to play some good song and the feels is getting better and my body started to sway with the beat. As the beat is getting better and better. Quite in a sudden one of my ex-colleque puke and fell down and she manage to break a few glasses which make the whole scenerio stunned for a moment. I started dancing my heart out to the music because the alcohol seem like undertaking my mind and I feel steam at that moment.

Later on most of them have to leave and me and few of my members still staying and enjoy the night. Finally I give up and after a short while break before I also leaving and today's really uber tired. Aftermath of the clubbing session I felt drowsy and headache and my stomach are bloating due to the alcohol that I had taken.

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