Thursday, December 4, 2008

Quality Hang Out

Nothing Much today, just as usual go to gym with babe to kick the sturborn lard out. Today I am not feeling pretty well and damn tired. After more than an hour workout, I finally give up and my babe turn to me as well and told me that he also had enough. But we are not stopping there and when to the lifting session for around half an hour and finally when to sauna and shower before end the session.

We had a little argument regarding the meals we wanted to take because I am not a good decision maker. We end up having sushi for dinner at Sakae, since we don't want to spend too much money on the dinner we just order the food accordingly. We had a good chit chat and sharing the memorable moment together as well. This is what I called lovely moment and felt very secure being around him... sound pretty girlie huh.

Then he bring me to Ikano to have a peek on the Christmas decor after we read pluboy blog. I totally agree with him the decor really unique and the dummy snowy is fantastic. I really felt happy with the decor but the most important thing is manage to stay with my babe and really wanted to hug him but we are not yet ready to show affection in the public... still in admist of improving. I am very very love you babe and please do love me more.

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