Monday, December 1, 2008

blah blah

Justify Full
Recently my babe is just know how to complaint and always gossip around. Everything you do and other people do sure "tak kena" one. In our relationship, there must be one person as an aggressive or strong parties but on the other hand are not as strong as the previous one. I bet you with my head my babe are the leader in our relationship. My babe are very fussy and always make all the decision by himself and he very damn ego and always show how good and clever he is. Perhaps inside him, he is really born to be a queen and try to lead me in any decision, which make me can't breath.

Maybe I am too in love with him and worst still afraid to losing him, that why I am over pamper and tolerance with him. I am a very aggressive person and my leadership can be consider good but I am admit that in relationship I totally fail and suck. I am very unhappy lately and always shed tears and sometimes I even think he is a mixture of demon and angel. I just blaming myself for nurturing sinister and sarcastic attitude to him, where he has now turn it's on me... well perhaps this is just karma.

He just love to blah blah blah and gossip all he wanted without and of course he needed my empathy as well. Once in a blue moon gossip, nagging and complaint can be good but come to everyday... I bet with your head you won't be happy about it. I am not trying to complaint but this problem had occur quite sometimes and I think this is the times to change and be more upbeat because you are eager to please. I know you had stressed but put yourself into my shoes for example when I have complaint and burnout you are yet to concern.

I also an ordinary man where I also have my very own problem. Yes, I love gossips but I do complaint but you just kindly ignore my complaint by nailed me with your irresponsible words from your mouth to defence yourself. On the other hand I had to "sayang" you and caring you that is not fair, when I talking about something sensitive (Sex) you are not happy but when you talk about it is okay... That is really unfair. Once again you lock my very feeling into the chamber of my heart. Anyway hope you can change to be a better man and stop promising your vow to me and please don't compare myself to other but I can assure you I had change... Love you always Anthony.

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