Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bored To Death

This times around I been so glutton to have time with my babe. Perhaps I am having lovesick symptom, where I wanted him to be my side all the times. He also quit pissed off with me because I am too sticky like the glutinous rice until he is started to yell at me. OMG I am a nerd or geek who just stay at my own world with low networking and friends.

Some how or rather I had to let him off for a few days to get some times with his family and friends as well. Sometimes I been wondering it is really possible for us to stay together but anyway for the times being I give it a benefit of doubt. Yet I am still so missing him like hell and sometimes I even shed tear of missing him. May be there is a love bug in my mind or I being curse to love him forever.

To cut the stories short, today is an off day for my babe and for myself I am living in a boredom. Today I just sleep and sleep and sleep till drop, how impress ya. I think I need to get more friends and get back with my secondary friends which most of them are loser and not even a college grads but there is no doubt they really can help me kill times.

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