Last year New Year Celebration is very memorable and as sweet as mellow. This year I am not happy if you got read my previous post. Frankly speaking I am very unhappy with this but later I came out with a genius idea which is giving him a sup rise with notice him and I thought this will be nice.
My idea are just brilliant and I really can't stop myself to miss him and I need him to be around to celebrate New Year with me. So, I just rang my friends and they all had agreed to company me to Genting but with the condition I have to drive..who care anyway.
I am feeling very excited and been thinking how to get rid of his radar (hell no is not the radar from Britney) it's the maxis friend finder. You all must be wondering and give me a "Wow" and "Buoy", yes I know what you all been thinking..."are you a prisoner or where is human right is it? Anyway this is just another act from him to show he care about me..LoL.
Since I am too excited to giving my honey a surprise, so there are many things to plan and every have to run smoothly. Dear folks, please pray for me and I just love celebration and festival as well. I am really craving for his hugs and kisses as well, he is just too charming for me and I really Love You Babe.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Suprise 1
Monday, December 29, 2008
Just Another Thought
There are two days more before proceed to year 2009 and left out 31 days left before my 3 years in relationship and to recall back everything happen just is a flash and this year I'm still 24 years old...gosh I'm getting old. As well my parent keep asking me to bring home my beloved one because most of them know I in a relationship, which gave my head a big bang. Furthermore, if they really know what am I dealing with their sweet dream must be turn to durst and not fruitful or still they will puke blood.
I really don't know whether the things I am dealing with is good or not and after all there is no pro and cons in love and relationship. For sure both of us is trying to edifice our relationship like a stronghold but I really have no ideal when the stronghold gone to last. Moreover, the path that I had chosen always ended up with a sad concerto. But I am happy for what I am now albeit I am not born to be a gay..yes you are right I am just a newbies in this circle and previously also one of the bunch of nerd.
Thank you so much for the BITCH (Ex-girlfriend) for leaving this deep scar until I decided to change and of course I meet my honey (Current-BF) to heal my wound and he is the only one who treat me sincere enough and I love him so much. Most of you guys must be very curious to decide whether I am a gay or bisexual and my answer is gay because my manhood really cannot attach with the bitch out there nowadays and I even had doing some experimental to study this issues...please don't ask me how but I know I am a gay.
I still remember what my honey told me quite sometimes ago, that I am BORN to be a Gay..LoL. But I really can't deny perhaps this is the fact I am very hard to click with girls in relationship. To compare my life from the past and present it is a big boom because the present path I had chosen is very difficult to move along. The best parts is when your parent is a very conservative person then you must be the hero on the Die Hard movie and I am not kidding you because it's definitely not easy.
But at least for now I am very happy with my babe around me and his concern, caring, advise and as well as his kisses and body smell definitely amuse and I do enjoy very much. So just forget about the sad stories and continue to my happy life and recently I am trying very hard to change myself but the process is really not easy because I am abuse myself too much in the past with bad eating habit and hardcore of drinking beer and liquor. It's indeed a bad experience in the past, living toward gay life definitely seeking for quality and good life compare to the bad. But to enjoy the good life and quality life definitely require us too sacrifice such as money, self control, learn to be leng chai and much more to learn. Anyway I do believe my hard work are going to repay soon and more hard work need to be follow up soon. I vow I will totally change in this one year time of course and hope the god should bless me on this even though I am atheist.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
This sense of emptiness maybe is my psychology problem due to the path I had chosen (love guys), disastrous in my career and not to mention my family confrontation about my sexual orientation. That's why I felt so hard for myself and there is also one book from Paulo Coelho "Veronika Decides to Die" is expressing partially how I feel nowadays. But I will be strong and wouldn't dare to do the nuisance stuff yet because there is too many doubt in my life that I am yet to explore.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Chaotic New Year
Lucky, I have a good didi (gay brother) always console me and advised me to take it easy because that is my babe family and he is not flirt around with other friends or mates to dump me aside. In fact, I really understand the situation but my heart really in fraction emotion because I really dunno what to do during that occasion. I hate being alone and I hate my home as well.
Frankly speaking I don't have much friend and not to mention previously a straight nerd like me is impossible wanted to get gay friends. Worst stilt even now I am queer guy but I still don't have any of them except my didi because I am too fugly moreover gay life is cruel. Lucky me are attach with my babe who is quite charming and handsome but really dunno why he love me.. many doubt is it. He can easily get someone who is hot and handsome guys....sigh.
If you really ask me I really can't answer that question but being a fugly gay like me is feeling very insecure because I might get dump anywhere and anytime. For time being, what I can do is try to change my look and kick out lard and get slimmer is my only option. But recently I loss 2 inch, where previously is 38 inches.. I know I am fat and deserve to be tease but folks please wish me luck because I will try my best to fit in this circle and I know gay life is realistic and cruel. May due to this reason recently I very determine to put on weight.
Sorry for being out of the topic, I am still very sad and always throw my tantrum toward my babe because he promise me first rather his family. But there is nothing I can do beside accept the fact and anger is begin to swap off and my heart of course are in deep sorrow and sad. Now what I can do is pretend that I am okay and feeling is getting better even though we had a good date on the New Year last time. I really miss him, carving for his kisses and cuddle as well... Baby I really miss you and love you.
Fucking Straight Guys
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Greeting!
Prince Fest @ Orange Club Rock
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Privatization For IJN
First and foremost, please allow me to explain what is "Privatization". According to the wikipedia Privatization is the incidence or process of transferring ownership of business from the public sector (government) to the private sector (business). In a broader sense, privatization refers to transfer of any government function to the private sector including governmental functions like revenue collection and law enforcement.
Recently, there are so many Hoo Haa buzzing about the IJN privatization, where one of the leading company in Malaysia (Sime Darby) are interested to acquire this institution. Frankly speaking I am not so flavor with this privatization thing because IJN from government suppose to take care of the citizen and public welfare without bias toward status, racist, complexion and level of a person.
In my point of view, this is indeed a stupid act for government to privatise the IJN because this institution have maintain a good reputation in providing services and welfare as well with proven record. IJN is also is one of the government institution that we had to applause for how the government (BN) care for the citizen. IJN under government govern it will provide affordable medical care for the citizen because privatization only will make the institution materialise.
As a economic student, let me give you guys a clear picture what will happen to the IJN, where it had been privatised. Privatization of IJN will trigger monopoly, in fact this is very true because in Malaysia, there is no much competition in Malaysia heart surgeon except if you willing to pay a huge amount of money to undergo the surgery in oversea countries.
Prince Fest 2008/ 2009
Don't know whether I can make it or not because I really need company, which is (my babe). Anyway we shall see what we can do during this occasion. Frankly speaking I have intuition that my plan maybe shattered, because my babe use to be a planner spoiler.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Prescription
Christmas is just around the corner and the greatest gifts that I hope to have for this Christmas is having the love from someone you care. Christmas is a very hard time of the year for singles but there is also not exclusive for a guy who already available like me. ..Hehe just joking
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Recently, my machine is almost overhaul because has been too frequently visited the gym class. Yes, you can claim me as a "kiatsu person"or calculative brat and I really admit that because I am a economic students, which I usually good in analytical and figures as well.
In order to fully utilize my membership, sometimes I went to my gym class for 7 days in a week or at least 5 times a week, sound pretty "kiatsu" is it. What to do being force to do so because I am too fat and need to kick out the stubborn lard in my body. Like my babe always said " Yau Joe Ji, Yau Ho Bit Tong Choh" but it do sound pretty true.
Being a newbies of Pink community, I am indeed milestone away to catch up because physically I am pretty big size and mentally still very straight...sigh. I bet you if you seeing me you will never thought I am a queer guy because I have a very straight guy look..okay. But my babe keep telling me that I am born to be a queer guy and he can sense it from the day one.
To cut the story short, lately my health condition are very bad and my asthma are keep arose and arose. Supposing after a workout should develop my stamina but the situation is getting worse. Finally seek doctor for advise but the doctor are more craze than me but pursuing me to get marry or a girlfriend... For XXX perhaps.
Finally, due to my health condition I am trying to minimize my gym classes and exercise. But it is quit pity because fully utilize the facilities and also planning to freeze my membership next month. I really need to have rest because my muscles are in pain and my breath are low and not flowing well. Perhaps, my engine really need maintenance and relax as well, but still in amidst of reducing stress and smoking activities.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Top or Bottom
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Turf Manager
Dear Anthony,
Real world is come.
We have limited time before the 28th meeting in OYLM.
Shall we discuss at 11am for planning.
Best regards,
Dear Anthony,
Your real world is coming.
My requested items to Bashir are quite similar as what Mr.Sum requested to MIA&chief.
Please wait for Bashir& reply and follow up closely.
You can use MCTE to view MIA& FG sales data in order to get to know their models & sales volume beforehand.
Best regards,
La Queen Sucks
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Long Holiday
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Am I Sucks
Sometimes I'm nervous, full of hatred, lonely and also wanted to tear myself apart. Loads of argument have been going between us, and my boyfriend is really pissed off already. Now I feel so ashamed and pity on him because always cause him a lot of trouble. I know he understand my situation and use to tolerate with me but I guess he is started sickening with my shit already. I guess this isn't a question, but it's the matter of how do I change and stop my depression.
Recently I started to realize I am complete stranger to myself, even though I am living quite well with each other. I am not evil and never try to harm someone if not being force to do so. I am very self conscious and very active but recently not so conversationalist due to very few friends I had. Why I had few friends because sometimes I had a kind of stereotype by thinking "they don't know me?" or "they all have hidden agenda to friend with me" or "they just hate me".
Imagine how stupid of me to have that kind of thought, but believe me I'm keeping others at a distance out of fear, and they eventually respond to this and leave me alone. And this then confirms my point of view, that no one could possibly like me. But to be frankly speaking I am a bunch of person who are genuine and honesty enough to give you harsh comments because I am trying to be sincere and trust-worthy.
The trouble is that my babe finally had melt my hearts and we even started to date me and had relationship. Anyway really appreciate my babe supports and advise albeit I'm as stubborn as asses but he is still trying to fulfill my nonsense enquiries and request. My destructive beliefs are about to damage me, or even kill me. Anyway I will fight back and won't let this negative thought to conquer my mindset and babe you are my only hope and strength from now.
Bad Encounter In Jogoya
With the conjunction of my babe birthday celebration, we had organized a meals at Jogoya. The meals are organized by Vicky and the celebration is not a surprise anymore because my babe had been alerted and well informed. The reason is the stupid pig (Vicky) is exposing everything to my dear and ended up no surprise as well.
Franky speaking this is the first time I step on Jogoya restaurant in Starhill. Most of the people are buzzing about this restaurant and this restaurant really not amaze me at all. The environment not really impress me and the food not good but the beverages and ice cream is the only thing I keen. I really cannot understand why people simply throw out compliment to this restaurant and I think Shogun 1U is better.
We wined and dined in the Jogoya because it's included free flow and our stomach is bloated because we are a Kiasu person. We bitchy and chatted to kill times and everything runs smoothly and I even puke because too full and almost clear everything in my bowel. After puke I wanted to continue with the wined because love the effect for being intoxicated but my babe stop me.
Later we decided to watch movie at GSC Pavillion and we pick Wild Child rather than Bolt. The movie is quite interesting and it about a rebel child doing a lot of nasty things to get her father attention, which later send her to a dormitory school at England (She origin from LA). Being far away she soon or later understand the meaning of her life and also in crush with a handsome guys....for the rest of the story we just live it to cinema to do the jobs.
Lastly before we heading home, I managed to pick two private structure undies from Tang's since they have an offer sales. The undies is very fancy and I like it very much...cannot wait to show it to my babe...That all for now and by the way Love you Babe.
Happy Birthday Louis !!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
shed Tear
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Bored To Death
Friday, December 5, 2008
Concern And Worried
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Quality Hang Out
Hard To Please
Relationship is really complicated that is a turf in my fucking life.
If you treat him good, he says you had hidden agenda,
If you don't, he said you are not a good lover,
If I dress nicely, he says you are trying to flirt around,
If you don't, he said you look like horrible,
If you argue with him, he says you are a sturborn and not loving him,
If you keep quite are even worse, he says you are deaf or mute,
If you are smarter than him, he'll lose face,
If he's smarter than you, that is great and fact,
If he need you, he'll tries to possess you,
If he don't need you, he will try to run away from you,
If you don't touch him or make love with him, he said you don't love him ,
If do! he says you are a jerk and pervert,
If I tell him my trouble, he says I am troublesome and in deep trouble,
If you don't he says I don't love him and trust him,
If you advised him or even scold him you are a jackass and nanny,
If he scold you, it is because he cares and love you,
If you break your promise, you cannot be trusted and inhuman,
If he break my promise, he is forced to do it,
If you had done a mistake , he says you are damn stupid and careless,
If he got one, he says it is the fate,
If you smoke, you are evil and waste money,
If he smoke, he says is to release stress and he is gentleman,
If you do well , he says luck on your side,
If he do well, it's because he is smart and clever,
If you hurt him, you are cruel,
If he hurt you, he says you are too sensitive and so hard to please.
If you look at it, this incident really happen to everyone... all the best and good luck.
Edward Sibling's with Her Lover As Well
The Cullen's family
Pretty Cool... Huh
Casual Look.. Jeez
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Deep Depth Feeling
Is it so difficult to stay along with me?
Monday, December 1, 2008
blah blah

He just love to blah blah blah and gossip all he wanted without and of course he needed my empathy as well. Once in a blue moon gossip, nagging and complaint can be good but come to everyday... I bet with your head you won't be happy about it. I am not trying to complaint but this problem had occur quite sometimes and I think this is the times to change and be more upbeat because you are eager to please. I know you had stressed but put yourself into my shoes for example when I have complaint and burnout you are yet to concern.
I also an ordinary man where I also have my very own problem. Yes, I love gossips but I do complaint but you just kindly ignore my complaint by nailed me with your irresponsible words from your mouth to defence yourself. On the other hand I had to "sayang" you and caring you that is not fair, when I talking about something sensitive (Sex) you are not happy but when you talk about it is okay... That is really unfair. Once again you lock my very feeling into the chamber of my heart. Anyway hope you can change to be a better man and stop promising your vow to me and please don't compare myself to other but I can assure you I had change... Love you always Anthony.